Yancoal is currently seeking state and federal approval to expand their Moolarben open cut thermal coal mine in the Mudgee region, on First Nations Wiradjuri Country in NSW. The mine expansion is set to clear over 230 ha of endangered koala habitat.
The NSW Environment Department stated in response to Yancoal’s expansion that “there is a real possibility that the proposed project, if approved as currently presented, would significantly contribute to [four animal species and one critically endangered ecological community] becoming extinct in NSW.”
The proposed expansion footprint extends within 100m of the boundary of the state’s oldest conservation reserve, the Munghorn gap nature reserve. The company expects to mine 30 million tonnes of coal over the life of the project expected to run till 2034, creating over 64 million tonnes of carbon emissions.
On top of all that, the mine will terribly impact local water supplies, and The Drip gorge in the Goulburn River National Park, plus disturb cultural heritage areas. According to Market Forces research, Yancoal pay $0 in taxes to the Australian government. This koala killing project can't go ahead.
Follow local legends fighting to stop the mine, Mudgee District Environment Group, and Mudgee Coal Alert to get involved.
Image credit: Max Phillips