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Whitehaven's Blackwater South

  • Koala habitat to be cleared (ha): 6,884.6
  • Lifetime Coal Combustion emissions (Mt CO₂-e): 1,574

Whitehaven Coal’s proposed Blackwater South coal mine is on Ghungalu Country near Blackwater in Central QLD. The project has the biggest planned impacts to koala habitat of all proposed coal mines in Australia. If approved, more than 6500 hectares of koala habitat will be cleared, more than 3,200 MCG sized football fields. Whitehaven plans to mine up to 10 million tonnes of coal a year for 90 years, until the year 2112.

Species likely to be impacted: Greater glider, northern quoll, star finch, koala, ornamental snake, Yakka skink, southern snapping turtle, Fitzroy River turtle