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BHP Mitsubishi’s Saraji East

  • Koala habitat to be cleared (ha): 1,160.17
  • Total lifetime emissions if approved (Mt CO₂-e): 442

BHP Mitsubishi Alliance’s Saraji East coal mine, located 80 km south-east of Emerald on Barada Barna Country, will clear 1160 ha of koala habitat15, equivalent to over 500 MCG sized football fields. Project EIS documents state that koalas may be killed or injured during vegetation clearing and may be struck by mining vehicles. The project also plans to clear 748 hectares of habitat for the greater glider. BMA’s surveys recorded 18 greater gliders within and directly adjacent to the project disturbance footprint. Greater gliders need large old trees with hollows for denning, the coal mine will clear this irreplaceable habitat. The mine proposes to dig up 11 million tonnes of coal each year until 2045.

Species likely to be impacted: Ornamental snake, Dunmall’s snake, Brigalow scaly-foot, squatter pigeon, Australian painted snipe, little pied bat, koala, short-beaked echidna, greater glider